Skilled in sales, marketing and as operations manage.r Restructured 4 distribution centers and 2 sales territories changing them form money losers into profit centers. Offers experience in agriculture as well as turf and ornamental. Pacific Northwest or Southwest USA.
Studied Farm Operations with a Crop Emphasis. Experienced with variety of equipment including tractors, forklifts and application equipment. MN, SD, WY.
MS in Ag Mechanization, CCA. Over 10 years working in seed research. Sourced land for plots, designed yield trials. Led crew in planting of seed plots, plot maintenance, field observation, advancement selection and harvest. Designed/implemented number of improvements. Reference says, “Tell him what you want done and he’ll figure it out and accomplish it. Very
Two seasons as applicator. Recently Research Associate for a seed company. Duties included field mapping, managing seed filling room, leading a planting crew, supervising pollinating crew and managing equipment, fleet vehicle repairs. Enjoys technology and working with precision ag. BS degree. WI, IL.
Offers a diverse background in seed production, farming and agronomy. His wealth of experience includes six months in Africa as GM of a seed production/sales facility. Reference says, ” Natural leader. Problem solver. Very knowledgeable in agronomy. Great attitude.” BS, CCA. Interested in International opportunities.
Offers six years experience in sales. Began sales career selling new and used vehicles. Currently sells computer software in a 4-state area. Mark of Excellence Award Winner. KS.
Offers 20 years of occupational health and safety training. Performs underwriting inspections and formulates recommendations to ensure loss reduction and risk management. DOT regulatory & Worker's Comp experience. Midwest/South.
Began career working in cattle operations and wildlife management for large operation. Spent two years working for large bank as farm and ranch manager, managing multiple properties owrkignw with budgets, improvements and marketing crops. Recently worked with management firm developing ranch management policies and assisting with oil and gas policy and procedures. BS Range Land
Began career working in poultry industry. Most recently sold equipment, working with swine, dairy and poultry equipment. “Did a great job representing our products.” MN.